Sunday, 16 June 2013


It's what you've all been waiting for. The iphone 6 will be in the shops for Christmas 2013. They will be available at that time only from Apple stores at a price of £1,000. The price is expected to decrease in the New Year to around £700 when the phone will become available in the High Street at the beginning of February, 2014.

New Look.

The transparent look of the new model is expected to be a massive 'WOW' factor, which will increase sales. Apart from some minor improvement to the OS, the biggest concern is over the new auto camera setting that allows the phone to automatically photograph and face that comes within ten feet.


Many groups are are up in arms saying that this is the worst invasion of privacy yet. James Vermence of the group, 'It's Personal' said today: "This phone will photograph anyone that passes by without their knowledge and who know what they might be up to or who they are with."

Who's in the House.

The invasion of privacy is to be discussed in the Houses of Parliament before the phones launch. It just remains to be seen how any ruling that might arise can be implemented it time with the launch just months away. There will also be the almost impossible task of stopping anyone from bringing phones in from abroad.

Money for nothing.
No one seems too concerned that, with an appropriate app, the phone will be able to read your credit card and take amounts up to £15 without the need for a PIN. This is supposed to ease shopping and waiting times for small purchases, but there is nothing to stop the unscrupulous from taking £15 from anyone they pass all day long. It may mean leaving your cards at home and wearing a disguise in the future. Better still, just buy your loved one a pair of socks or some nice underwear this Christmas.

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